Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes for November 8th, 2006

Amended and Approved on December 20th, 2006


Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Wayne Bradley

Amanda Sloan – Clerk

Paul Lauenstein



Ira Miller, Chair Finance Committee

Norm McInnis - CFRLU

Norma Fitzgerald - COA

Beth Cohen – Briggs Pond Way

Arnold Kublin - COA

David Cohen

Elliot Feldman - COA

Kathy Farila

John Prendergast

Ellen Davey - Fleming - Briggs Pond Way

A Glicken

Richard Mandell

Ann Bingham

Arlyne Mandell

Elizabeth Essex - CFRLU

Leo Waters – High Street


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by Vice Chair Arnold Cohen.


Meeting Discussion

Chair’s Report

  • Performed by Mr. Cohen


Meeting Minutes of 10/25/06

  • Board reviewed draft meeting minutes of 10/25/06. Mr. Cohen made a motion to approve meeting minutes of 10/25/06 as amended and Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Sharon Council on Aging

Norma Fitzgerald, Executive Director, Sharon Council on Aging and Arnold Kublin, member of the Council on Aging, provided the Board with an overview of the Senior Housing needs within Sharon. Mrs. Fitzgerald reported that at present there are 2818 seniors in Sharon. She stated that there is a need for various types of affordable housing in Town and provided the Board with the Housing Needs Survey performed in the spring of 2005 as well as an Executive Summary of the results. In summary, there is little housing stock in Sharon for seniors to downsize to.  Downsizing is more advantageous as there is less of a tax burden. For those that cannot afford luxury living, there is Stonybrook Court and Hixson Farms. However, there is a need for more of these types of units.  It is important for seniors to have peer groups for socialization and to share common issues.


The Council on Aging is looking to the Board to help think of creative solutions for those constituencies. Mr. Kublin pointed out that a lot of home care is needed within Sharon and that Hessco delivers approximately 1200 meals each month within the Town.  Mr. Bradley commented that providing dwelling units for the elderly is a desirable goal, however, the demand that exists today may not be the same in 20 years as the baby boom generation spike disappears. The challenge is to provide housing alternatives that address the preferences of the elderly but which may also satisfy a broader demand.  Ideally we don’t want to be left with deed restricted properties for a specific age group in a climate of changing demographics.


Brickstone – Rattlesnake Hill discussion

Marty Spagat, representing Brickstone Properties, came to speak to the Board regarding the current status of their plan for Rattle Snake Hill. Mr. Cohen asked Mr. Spagat to present in general terms from the standpoint of zoning and affordable housing water and traffic. Mr. Spagat stated that a small group of people who make up Brickstone have been together for 30 years. They have built properties in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Boston to name a few areas. They bought textile mills and renovated them north of Boston and also have corporate tenants all under the name of Brickstone Properties. They built the Mills in Boston in 1995 and Minute Man Park in Andover which consists of high end offices. Approximately a year ago they realized the need for more senior living and began to look for properties.  They want to create large scale projects like they did in Peabody. The notion is to build high end apartment living; not hospital or institutional feeling, and surround the property with a golf course.


The plan for this property is to build off of Bay Road. The project would take over 10 years to complete with 180 units built per year. Area one would consist of 6 buildings; an amenity building with restaurants, pool and convenience store. The buildings would be 8-12 stories high. He stated that Brickstone has the statistics that indicate the demand for this type of housing is incredible and they would build based on need. He pledged an affordable housing commitment to provide at least 180 units as affordable. Mr. Cohen stated that the Planning Board wants specifics on the affordable housing concept; would Brickstone build 1620 units and 180 affordable units or would they build 1800 units with 198 being affordable. Mr. Spagat replied that they are working on how to deal with affordable housing.  Mr. Bradley stated that Brickstone has expressed interest in providing the affordable units but not on site. Mr. Bradley said it would be difficult to find a place to build that number of units elsewhere in town. Mr. Cohen suggested that as far as affordable housing Brickstone would need to present something to the Planning Board. Mr. Bradley questioned how the number of 1800 units was derived and wondered if a smaller scale project might be possible.  Mr. Spagat stated that they want the site to be large enough so that it works financially and they can build all of the amenities. He stated that they will provide a simulation demonstration which will show that the development will not be viewable to the neighbors even when the leaves have fallen. Their other option is to build a conventional subdivision on the property which is not what they want to do.


Mr. Cohen stated that he attended a previous meeting at the library where it was presented that there is a certain number of excess water capacity now in the town, and this project would use half of it. He stated that the tax benefit for the town is tremendous; however the water issue needs to be addressed. Mr. Spagat replied that they would put in a water treatment plant. They are also putting together a water report and would talk to Stoughton for a back up plan. Mr. Lauenstein stated that Rattlesnake Hill may need a leaching field because there are private wells downhill from the property. With a population of 2000-3000 people in the area, they may use pharmaceuticals and human waste going into the ground through the granite to private wells may be a problem. In relation to the first presentation made by Brickstone, Mr. Lauenstein commented that they are proposing to develop a high pressure service district which was something broached in the past. HPSD would only affect 10% of the residents of Sharon. If the town built it, it would cost 5-6 million dollars. He questioned why it would be appropriate for Brickstone to give this to the town when there is only a 10% benefit. Why not do something to benefit the entire town? Mr. Spagat replied that the HPSD is needed for Brickstone and he is having Daylor Engineering evaluate this.


Mr. Spagat stated that Brickstone uses architects Bunt Hill out of Pittsburgh for all Brickstone properties. Mr. Spagat discussed his visit to Erickson properties, an existing similar type of development and Ms. Sloan asked what he thought about Erickson. Mr. Spagat replied he didn’t like the institutional feel. He wants a more upscale elegant property with gardens, benches and walks to make it feel more like a home. Two levels of parking would be underground so that concrete would not be seen. He suggests three holes of golf around each building all being green and environmentally friendly.  Mr. Cohen stated that a public hearing would need to be held before the Planning Board to discuss the needed zoning changes. Going in front of the Finance Committee would be the next step. Mr. Cohen stated that before the Spring Town Meeting, a document needs to be presented which incorporates the material on affordable housing that is comprehensive, discuss water and traffic issues.


Mr. Cohen said that only the people most directly concerned will attend Town Meeting. They need to communicate to the entire town; with the abutters most naturally concerned.  Mr. Spagat said the message they are trying to get across at the May Town Meeting is they can demonstrate that the property is not seen and traffic will be unaffected; and it is approximately 10 million dollars in annual tax revenue for the Town. Mr. Bradley stated that Brickstone will be located far from traffic links and commuter links and therefore people would necessarily have to drive through long stretches of town to reach their destinations. Mr. Spagat replied that the development is unusual in that it is self contained. He stated most people in this type of development do not drive and most drive off peak. Mr. Cohen stated that they need to do a traffic study as does the Town and then a rational decision regarding traffic can be made. Mr. Bradley replied that it is one thing to look at traffic on Bay Road but it is another to look at the links at Cobbs Corner and other possible traffic bottlenecks. Both the Town and Brickstone will be performing independent traffic studies. Mr. Spagat said he does not have the answer right now and is relying on his experts. 


Mr. Cohen opened up the meeting to questions from the attendees but asked that they be orderly.


Mr. Leo Waters questioned what the Planning Board’s role is. Mr. Cohen suggested that affordable housing needs to be discussed with the Planning Board. Ms. Sloan stated that it is not the Planning Boards role to assist the developer but rather the Planning Board serves as the gatekeeper. Mr. Bradley suggested if a zoning change is needed, the Planning Board would be the sponsor to make the zoning change. Mr. Cohen interjected that if it is a Planning Board article, it is up to the Planning Board if it moves forward. If it is someone else’s article, the Planning Board still holds a public hearing and makes a recommendation to Town Meeting either in support or opposition to the article.


Anne Bingham of 9 Sherwood Circle was concerned with blasting and questioned if there would be any seismic hydrological studies performed. She asked, what is the potential to blast bedrock? Mr. Spagat stated that they would do the blasting all at once and would look into this issue. Mr. Cohen stated that blasting is heavily regulated.


Richard Mandell stated it is his assumption that the Planning Board would speak with the DPW, Water Management, BOH etc., using their expertise before making any recommendations and Mr. Cohen agreed. Mr. Mandell also said that Bob Daylor had said that maps and contra lines would be put on the website as well as the view shed analysis. In looking at the website, he cannot see the elevation footprint and can’t determine the buildings height compared to the Rattlesnake Hill height. He also asked when the text of the zoning changes to be made will be available on the website as well. Mr. Spagat replied that this is all bouncing between Attorney Gelerman’s office and the Brickstone attorneys.


Norm McInnis of Bay Road stated that Bay Road was an Indian lane going from bay to bay. The section being looked out by Brickstone is a scenic road which is protected under MA law and it cannot be made wider.  Mr. Cohen said that theoretically, the Planning Board would need to approve changes. This may be another issue not yet brought to the surface. Mr. McInnis said the traffic would be ridiculous to add additional lanes. Mr. Cohen said we need to look at the traffic studies rather than subjective thoughts.


Beth Cohen of Briggs Pond Way is concerned with fire engines and ambulances being able to access the area through a winding road; it seems hazardous.


Ira Miller, Chair of the Finance Committee suggested Brickstone present an article for Town Meeting that is clear with no changes needed to propose Brickstone. He explained that the Finance Committee makes a motion and the article is printed in April in the town warrant. It has to be finished by the end of February or March.  He wants to suggest a realistic timeframe for such a huge project. Mr. Cohen said that as far as the Public Hearing with the Planning Board, the earlier the better. Brickstone needs to be ready. Mr. Bradley said the more detail available the better.

Other Business

Mr. Lauenstein asked the Board to discuss Article 20. In order to qualify for affordable housing in Sharon you need to pass the means test which is very strict. You cannot have more than $200,000 in total. The article wants to raise the limits from 150K to 400K which would open the pool of eligible applicants. Mr. Cohen suggested the Planning Board support the article. Mr. Bradley said he was in favor of the article as it makes it possible for more elderly to stay in Sharon. The Board voted 4-0-0 to support the article.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on December 6th at 7:30 pm, Town Hall.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Bradley moved to adjourn meeting at 10:20PM; Ms. Sloan seconded the motion; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

Administrative Assistant